Hiptop Nation

(These entries are part of hiptop Nation, a communal weblog for anyone in the world using a Hiptop device)

Philly Skate Jam
Waaaahoooo! Skating with 500 people totally rocks! We started out around 7:30 from the hotel and got back at 10:45. We skated streets, JFK Blvd, around and about, up and down...

Stopped whenever we needed to regroup or let traffic through. We had a police escort. At one point we went into the subway and skated the tunnels underground.

They put our $50 registration to good use. Tons of freebees from sponsors. I got 2 pair of wrist/palm slides. They're more comfortable than my old wrist guards. I have a deck of cards and cribbage... Stuff like that.

Amazing time, I am so glad I came. Now we're going out to eat. --Sara
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