Hiptop Nation

(These entries are part of hiptop Nation, a communal weblog for anyone in the world using a Hiptop device)

billboard update
this picture is owned by the submitter. contact submitter for permission before using it in any wayIn case you can't read that, it states, "Make drugs, not war." As promised, I'm updating you on the vandelism that is ongoing against that sign. It was actually done early yesterday, but I didn't capture it for some reason. Perhaps it was raining. Anyway, there's the proof. Further updates as events warrant. --slax0r http://www.dangerporn.com/
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In case you were wondering, Hiptop Nation is not sponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated or associated with, Danger, Inc. in any way. Danger and Hiptop are trademarks of Danger, Inc. and Sidekick is a trademark of T-Mobile, USA