I know SXSW is over... Mon 03.21.05 11:31pm PST #152 |
 but some habits are hard to break... and quite frankly I'm addicted to this whole blogging scenario... I mean, let's face it... Who's ever really cared about my opinion before... and even now it comes down to simple vanity... I get to log on in the morning and read about my musical experience, which of course I'm not having in real time because I'm too busy trying to type it as it goes by... But all I can say is that they're going to confiscate this sidekick from me tomottow so I'm in my death throes if you like... And the joy zipper folk just launched into their song called "alzheimers" which is rather fitting... well no now that tangent is going to get morbid so I'll let that one go and enjoy the sweetest of intentions and melodies that are sweeping up this monday night crowd at spaceland, los angeles... Nice to see all these people out, all fresh and new, recognizing my comparative state as one of the post-sxsw casualties in amongst them... Anyway this is all about joy zipper... So that's all from me. Except that the crowd were chanting for "out of the sun" which they say they don't play live... But they did... Sans backing track, no preparation... Just raw and immediate and in a spontaneous drunkenmoment... And of course... It twas... The piece de reisistance... byebye |
mueller sxsw top 5 Mon 03.21.05 8:10am PST #151 |
 5. stanley, the polish bus driver 4. the earlies @ maggie mae's 3. stars @ filter's son of showdown 2. magnolia electric co @ the parish 1. kings of convenience @ antone's and erlend's late nite sets in the omni hotel elevator. |
pat top 5 Sun 03.20.05 11:41pm PST #150 |
 5. Stephen malkmus playing all new songs at the parish (especially "baby c'mon", watch out for that one). 4. The earlies at maggie may's. Contrary to their name, they went on an hour late and only squeezed in four or five songs, but just one of those handful would have been enough to prove their talent. 3. Beer milkshakes/ king richard the crawfish. 2. Kings of convenience at antone's saturday night and in the glass elevator in the omni at 5am saturday morning. 1. In-between-shows-time on sixth street. All the scrambling, bullshitting, high fives, schmoozing, boozing, reminiscing, debating, pizza slicing, ogling the local girls, arguing with coworkers about whose timeslot is more important, sprinting sloppily across town to catch the first song, fighting for cabs, fighting with crabs, and standing in line with total strangers who just so happen to love the same band as you. It was fun. |
Top 5 Mon 03.21.05 12:04am PST #149 |
 1. the sights 2. embrace 3. ambulance ltd 4. sleater-kinney 5. long-view. joy zipper, wolfmother ... my new boyfriend Simon D. Kick, great margeritas, gregg's blogging, loads o' filterfun... |
Goodnight. Sun 03.20.05 10:50pm PST #148 |
 --greggfilter |
Olive, at home. Sun 03.20.05 10:37pm PST #147 |
 Now, is there anything better than coming home to see your dog? Done. Finished. Home. Tired. My wife still loves me, this gorgeous animal still loves me....a life regained, restored. Goodnight, Godspeed. Thank you Austin. Roll credits. You ever see Ferris Bueller's Day Off? All the way through the credits? When he comes back all cleverdick like and says, "Go home"? See, I'd like to do something like that here, but I'm too tired and, of course, it wouldn't be funny or interesting because I'd just be retreading John Hughes ground and if you steal, it should be from rich people to be given to poor people and while poor people like John Hughes movies, I'm not sure they have enough change to get the Twizzlers to go with the double feature. You see what I'm saying here? I know you don't. In summary: Get a dog. Take a hobo to a movie. Feed Twizzlers to both. Figure out which one made it smell like pee, later. Love, G. --greggfilter |
miller top 5 of sxsw 2005 Sun 03.20.05 5:51pm PST #146 |
 1. Embrace 2. Long-view 3. Side of chicken at salt lick bbq 4. Trash can sinatras 5. Richard the crawfish |
so long, texas Sun 03.20.05 4:57pm PST #145 |
 Thanks texas, thanks filter. Time for a long nap. |
still in texas Sun 03.20.05 4:37pm PST #144 |
 I made it to dallas so far, now moved gates 3 times I think, DOVES were on the flight here, saw a dead bird on a plate last nite and now I'm kept company by the tweedy humingbird at the airport. Do you see a trend here? Let's hope I'm not delayed again. |
Here we go... Sun 03.20.05 3:49pm PST #143 |
 ...so, they just told us to turn off all things electric and I'm all, "Whatever." Flying is totally sweet...50 billion feet in the air, live without a net..whoops..just got yelled at again...this thing must be messing with the satellites....see you in LA if we don't plunge....thanks TX. --greggfilter |
Wowee Zowee. Sun 03.20.05 12:57pm PST #142 |
 I feel like I've just bitten into a log cabin's chimney. What a smoky treat. Do people eat bear? This has to be bear meat. --greggfilter |
Whoopsie Daisy... Sun 03.20.05 12:33pm PST #141 |
 Thought my flight was at 2:30...turns out it's at 5:50 which can only mean one thing: time for a drinkie! Airports are sooo boring. I seriously need to get out of this place. Austin is starting to remind me of your uncle: smelling like a damp ashtray and onions. I just ordered a "salt lick" sliced brisket sandwich because I've decided that I don't look sick enough. I will send a picture of it whenever they decide to bring it from the microwave. --greggfilter |
Ambulance Ltd part 2 Sun 03.20.05 5:06am PST #140 |
 I love this album (often listening to it on repeat for hours on end) and live is even better than I hoped it would be. A stunning closer to Penny's SXSW experience. :) |
Tuti's Top 5 Sun 03.20.05 4:46am PST #139 |
 1. Kasabian at Stubbs 2. Embrace at Filter party 3. Long-View and Trashcan Sinatras (as above) 4. Surprise up-and-comer Be Your Own Pet 5. the Doves show was phenomenal |
salt lickin' wounds Sun 03.20.05 4:35am PST #138 |
it's true, but no brisket until lunchtime, so we settle down to eggs and ham in texan bun and then Mike spews into the styrofoam. Sart was right. |
dead bird Sun 03.20.05 2:08am PST #137 |
dead bird Sun 03.20.05 2:04am PST #136 |
dead bird symbolism Sun 03.20.05 2:01am PST #135 |
So we were walking down the street after the red bull party and we found a dead bird on a plate. I think it symbolizes the end of the festival, in a john fordian sort of way. Joe thought it symbolized dinner, in a wolfgang puckian sort of way. Mark just thought it was gross.
Whoa. Sun 03.20.05 1:23am PST #134 |
 They literally have hundreds of cases of this "beer." I remember growing up in Wayzata, Minnesota and we'd go to the Yankee games...meaning, the Twins when they'd play the Yanks. Anyhoo, my brother Mark once waited outside for three hours to meet Jim "Catfish" Hunter and\or Thurman Munson. Apparently, (I wasn't born yet) freakin' Catfish comes out and literally runs down my brother. I was so young, I only remember the Pabst Blue Ribbon building on the way home from the stadium. Now I'm drinking it. R.I.P. Thurman! What? Bite nickels!!!! --greggfilter |
Lansing-Dreiden. Sun 03.20.05 1:22am PST #133 |
 Worst band name. Sounds like a bankrupt German law firm. Do they have laws in Germany? Despite the apparent lawlessnes of our friends in the reddish republic...what a nice band. I'm predicting that Communism will be the next "Affleck" in two double zero five. I think this band might be from New York. Ha! Oops! New game: Name my foot! --greggfilter |